Open application


We are delighted that you are considering sending an open application to us! Please fill in the fields below and don't forget to push ''Send'' at the bottom of this page. We are looking forward to meet you!

Kind regards,

Team Matrix Fitness

Basic information
Surname *
First names *
Preferred given name *
Phone number *
E-mail address *
Available as of *
Application may be stored for (months)
Recruitment information
Working hours
Amount of hours available per week *
Job in which I am primarily interested in

General information
Date of birth *
Gender *
Contact details
Mobile phone (private) *
Phone number (private)

References, cv and motivational letter
LinkedIn profile (link)
Where did you find this position?

CV and cover letter

By clicking the "Add" button, "Choose file" and click the "Save" button.

CV is attached? *