Avoin hakemus / An open application / Otwarte podanie

Täytä kaikki kentät huolellisesti. / Fill out all the fields carefully. / Wypełnij wszystkie pola starannie.

Tähdellä (*) merkityt kentät ovat pakollisia. / All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. / Wszystkie pola oznaczone gwiazdką (*) są obowiązkowe.

Consent to use my personal data *
Contact information
First name *
Nick name
Last name *
E-mail address *
Phone number *
Basic information
Applicable (dd.mm.yyyy) *
I give a permission to keep my information in the system for a period of xx months.
I give a permission to keep my information in the system for other recruitments.
Information of recruitment
Type of employment relationship *
Working time
Interesting jobs *
Interesting locations
Earlier experience in Promeco
If yes, where
Information of recruitment

CV and informal application (Attachments in pdf format. File name: your name and name of the file)


Degree Degree Learning institution Main subject Year of graduation Additional information Primary education

Other trainings and studies

Training Additional information Organizer Starting date Length of the training Ending date

Work experience

Company / employer Job title Starting date Ending date Content of the job
Salary requirement
Where did you hear about this job?