Avoin hakemus / Open application

Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu kouluttaa liike-elämän ja palveluelinkeinojen asiantuntijoita sekä tutkii ja kehittää näihin aloihin liittyvää osaamista ja toimintaa. Koulutusalamme ovat liiketalous, ICT, hotelli-, ravintola- ja matkailuala, liiketoiminnan palveluratkaisut, toimittajakoulutus, liikunta-ala sekä ammatillinen opettajankoulutus.

Haaga-Helian runsaat 11 000 opiskelijaa luovat työelämäverkostoja jo opiskeluaikanaan. Opiskelijoita tukee noin 750 työntekijän korkeatasoinen kansallinen ja kansainvälinen osaaminen.

Työnantajana tarjoamme merkityksellisen työn dynaamisessa ja kansainvälisessä toimintaympäristössä, innostuneen työilmapiirin ja erinomaiset mahdollisuudet itsensä kehittämiseen.


Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences trains professionals for business and services through education, research and development. Our fields of education are business, hotel, restaurant and tourism management, information technology, journalism, business service solutions and languages, sports management and vocational teacher education. We have about 750 members of staff and about 11 000 students.

We offer our staff a high-quality international working environment, the possibility to participate in the dynamic development of Haaga-Helia and wide variety of staff benefits. We invest in the well-being of our staff and developing their expertise.

Basic information
Surname *
First names *
Preferred given name
Phone number *
E-mail address *
Available as of *
Application may be retained (months) *

Date of birth *
Street address *
Postal code *
City *
Gender *
Nationality *
Other nationality
Continent (non-Finnish citizenship)
In accordance with our Privacy Policy, personal data will be handled confidentially and used only for purposes that are in accordance with data privacy laws. By filling out and submitting the application form, I hereby authorize the processing of my information on the application process. You can find more information concerning the processing of personal data here.
I agree that the information I provide will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy. *
Education / Degrees
Degree Level Country Degree title University/ Educational establishment Orientation / Main subject Year of graduation (or estimate) Additional information Primary degree
Special competences or other additional information
Work Experience
Company / Employer Position / Job title Leave this blank, and tell the start and end date in the last field Leave this blank Start and end date of the employment & Job description
Your specific expertise for the job you are applying
Where did you find out about the workplace / Haaga-Helia as an employer?
CV and application
Please ensure that you have saved the documents you added

Digital Skills
Describe your digital skills. You can mention your proficiency with tools such as Microsoft Office programs, online learning platforms, web-based tools (e.g., Teams) and social media.
Language Skills
Specify the languages you know and assess your proficiency level. You can use categories such as native language, excellent, good, basic or beginner.